Men’s Sober Living is a type of halfway house for men who are suffering from alcoholism, drug abuse or withdrawal and wish to go back to their former life. This program offers both support and halfway housing. Men’s sober homes, also known as halfway houses or recovery homes, often offer a quality stepping-stone between the strict supports (and facilities) found in treatment and transitioning back into the real world after treatment has ended. Men’s sober Housing is an alternative to inpatient rehab, addiction treatment or residential treatment programs.
In a Men’s sober Housing situation, the recovering addict moves into the home of a family member or friend who is committed to assisting him in his recovery. The commitment typically includes support for the addict while in the residential environment and after he has been fully recovery for approximately six months. However, a man’s sober Housing situation may also be facilitated by a professional team that coordinates the transition to and from the inpatient drug rehab environment. Many men report that the support and care provided at the half or full home environments are better than what they experienced in addiction treatment.
Men’s sober Housing can also be described as a healthy coping mechanism for men who have overcome their addictions but remain addicted to alcohol or drugs. The idea behind a healthy coping mechanism is to use coping mechanisms (or coping strategies) that one would use in normal situations. Alcohol or drug addicts do not face “normal” circumstances on a day-to-day basis and relying upon alcohol or drugs to feel normal is risky. A man returning home from an inpatient treatment facility should be assessed to determine if a return to normal daily living is possible. For many men, their inpatient recovery was a life-changing event that changed their lives but as they begin to return home to a “normal” environment, will they be able to maintain their success and avoid a relapse?
Men’s Sober Living can be described as a period of time in which a man has successfully conquered an addiction and now is making a transition back to a healthy lifestyle. In most cases, it takes six to twelve months before complete sobriety has been achieved. In other words, a person will be back at the point where they are experiencing the same symptoms and behaviors associated with addiction but are no longer dependent upon alcohol or drugs. While many inpatient programs offer this type of relapse prevention strategy, there are none that address the specific needs of a man returning to a sober living home for men. Therefore, many men must learn about and implement their own relapse prevention plans.
Men’s sober Housing is a good option because it addresses the unique needs of men returning to a sober living home for men. Men’s sober Housing is an inpatient facility that offers a structured curriculum for the first two weeks, followed by the individualized treatment plan for each man. Men’s Sober Living is able to assist men in a number of ways including: peer support, gender specific services, and an education and support program. This innovative solution to addiction offers men the opportunity to re-enter society with a fresh start. However, if a man cannot afford to stay at the sober living home for men, he may consider other options including outpatient rehabilitation.
Many men choose to participate in an inpatient treatment program when leaving the treatment facility. Once inside the facility, participants are encouraged to participate in group therapy and to practice self-meditation. Some men choose to stay in one of the several detoxification centers that offer quick detox and other quick recovery services. Men’s Sober Living Homes for Men offers both short term residential solutions and long term residential solutions and both involve peer support. In addition, each residential program offers educational services and relapse prevention and support groups.
What Men’s Sober Living Homes For Men Offers Recovery Options