How not to plan a hen party

These are parties that are thrown by brides to be with their friends and family one last time before they become officially married. The parties therefore need to be unique if it is to last in the memory of the attendants. Besides budgeting ideally, you need a lot of help in planning the day activities and choosing the hen party games to play then. This is what makes it important to do your research when planning a bachelorette party and avoid making these blunders.
Poor choice of party games
It is reasonable to include different hen party games to your event if you are to have an easy time. Check out suggestions from friends that have planned such parties before and even use the internet to your advantage with research. The more interesting games you have the shorter the party night will seem.
Tipsy not wasted
There is a difference in drinking lightly and binge drinking. You ought to know the line between the two if your party is to be a success. Supposing the hen party is just before the wedding, you will all want to have clear heads to celebrate the day. Cases have happened before of brides to be over drinking in the spirit of having fun only to miss out on crucial plans like dress choosing and other wedding arrangements made in the coming days.
Poor planning
You should not wait until your party is in one day’s time before you consider making the necessary bookings. You can miss out on quality venues you could have booked for the session when you commence your research late. Making your preparations in advance improves your chances of finding the location you prefer to use for the event. This is the reason you should not do this alone but instead consider having a team of close friends and allies with you when doing it.

How not to plan a hen party
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